About Salesio HOMEAbout Salesio


About Salzio|salezio

We believe in building one's character through our "manufacturing" method. As mentioned in our school motto, "skill is within the person" and we believe that the skill will depend on how one develops and uses that skill, be it for good or evil. For example, computers were invented for military purposes, however, they are now used in society for many other purposes. Similarly, we believe in "manufacturing" our people who will in turn "manufacture" their skills.

Research Fields|salezioResearch Fields
Researchers in various fields belong to Salesian Polytechnic. Please see the Official Web-site[LINK] for overview. Researchers in various fields belong to Salesian Polytechnic. Please see the Official Web-site for overview.
Official Web-site: [Link]

School Organization|salezioSchool Organization

Educational Principle Objects and Targets|salezioHistory of Salesian Polytechnic

School Organization|salezioAcademic Statistics