2017 fiscal year
- Masayoshi NAKAGAWA Hironobu YONEMORI A Study on the Audible Frequency Area
Noise Emanating from a Pan when the IH Cooker is Fed by the Power Source
Including Harmonics The 18th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics
and Mechanics (ISEM 2017), P-SOC-3:5, SP_245, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France
2014 fiscal year
- Hirotoshi Nakagawa Kouhei Matsuoka, Hironobu Yonemori A Study about the
Self-Cleaning of a PV Module Surface Using Photocatalyst IEEE Region 10
Humanitarian Technology Conference 2014 (R10 HTC), pp.98-103, Chennai,
Tamilnadu, India
- Masakazu Adachi Hironobu Yonemori Considerations of configurations on Induction
Heating Type Indirect Heating System IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology
Conference 2014 (R10 HTC), pp.110-115, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
- Akihiro FUJIWARA Hironobu Yonemori, Junich ARAI FEM analysis of current
density distribution in heating element for induction heating earthenware
pan The 20th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Jeju,
Korea, pp.1637-1640
2013 fiscal year
on the High Frequency Acoustic Noise and Vibration of a Pan Generated by
an IH Cooker The 16th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics
and Mechanics (ISEM 2013), pp.345-346, Quebec, Canada
- Akihiro FUJIWARA Junich ARAI, Miki KOBAYASHI, Hironobu Yonemori Basic Study
on a High Efficient Heating of IH Earthenware Pan by the Finite Element
Method The 16th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and
Mechanics (ISEM 2013), pp.430-431, Quebec, Canada
2012 fiscal year
- Norimitsu Ichikawa Junichi Arai, Hironobu Yonemori, Miki Kobayashi Emergency
Photovoltaic Power Generation System The 11th International Symposium on
Advanced Technology, pp.165-166, Tokyo
2011 fiscal year
- Kouhei Okuyama Junichi Arai, Hironobu Yonemori Reduction of Leakage Magnetic
Flux in a Divided Heating Coil of Induction Heating Cooker The International
Conference on Electrical Engineering 2011 (ICEE2011), Hong Kong
2008 fiscal year
- Hironobu Yonemori Miki Kobayashi, Kouhei Suzuki Temperature Control of
a Double-Coil Drive Type IH Cooking Heater By Means of The PDM Control
Provided with Audio Noise Suppression The 15th IEEE International Conference
on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS 2008), pp.914-917, Malta,St.Julian
- Hideki Okuno Hironobu Yonemori, Miki Kobayashi Relation of Gap Length and
Resonant Frequency About a Double-Coil Drive Type IH Cooker The 15th IEEE
International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS 2008),
pp.65-68, Malta,St.Julian
2006 fiscal year
- Hironobu Yonemori Miki Kobayashi On the Heating Characteristic and Magnetic
Flux of a Double-Coil Drive Type Induction Heating Cooker The 32nd Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’06), pp.2488-2493,
Paris, France